Event Details



5 February 2025 - Part 1

Climate Change in Environmental Authorisation Processes and Climate & Carbon Legislation

AN OVERVIEW of What you need to know about Climate Change in Environmental Authorisation processes

and Climate & Carbon legislation.

IAIAsa is providing a 4 hour training event free of charge to our members

in two (2) parts

Part 1 Wed 5 February 25 14h00 -16h30 (2.5 hours)

Part 2 Wed 12 February 25 14h00 -15h30 (1.5 hours)

Category 1 CPD validated (0.5 of a point for joining both sessions - no splitting of points)

Learn from the experienced Climate Change specialists

from Carbon Academy, Promethium Carbon and Climate Legal

as they take you through the basic requirements

in this Overview Event

with oppotunities to enhance your knowledge later in the year with detailed ONLINE modules at a fee (TBC)

in the Week 12 - 16 May 2025 3 hours every day 1 module per day

repeated in the week 6 -10 October 2025 3 hours every day 1 module per day


14:00 - 14:05
Welcome & Opening
14:05 - 14:10
Introduction of Speakers
14:10 - 14:35
Module 5
Climate and Carbon Legislation:
• Carbon Tax Act
• Climate Change Act
o Principles & objectives
o Carbon budgets
o Sectoral Emissions Targets
14:35 - 15:00
Module 6
Carbon Markets 101
15:00 - 15:25
15:25 - 15:30
Wrap Up, Thanks & Close


  • Elbi Bredenkamp (Director of Carbon Academy & Auditing)

    Elbi Bredenkamp

    Director of Carbon Academy & Auditing

    Elbi founder of the well-established environmental management consultancy Enviroworks, since 2002, has more than 30 years of experience in the environmental field. Her interest in Climate Change was always present but was triggered and inspired in 2010 due to the scientific evidence and the practical evidence of the effects of climate change. She entered formal International Training: Cork and London: ISO 14064-1/2/3/4 - Carbon Action (UK). On her return in 2012 she attended the Systems & Greenhouse Gases ((GHG) Technical Assessor Course, SANAS South African National Accreditation System- ISO 14065-distinction. Greenhouse Gas Verification followed by Training of the JCM (Joint Credit Mechanism LRQA Japan Proposed by the Japanese Government) ISO 14054, ISO 14064, JCM (BOCM) Manuals, LRQA GHG Verification Procedures.
    In 2023 Elbi decided to venture into the avenue of Climate Change and GHG Management Training via CARBON ACADEMY (PTY) LTD, established in 2012.
    Course “Integrating Climate Change into Environmental Impact Assessments” Presented in conjunction with International Association of Impact Assessors symposium Celsius 1.5: Impact Assessment and Climate Change 2022
    City of Cape Town: GAS FLARING PLANT: CDM Project in conjunction with Promethium (Carbon Company in South Africa)-Enviroworks forms part of the management of 2 landfill gas flaring projects in Cape Town and is responsible for calibration of instruments and reporting on faults + monthly readings and feedback to City of Cape Town
    Africa Pre-COP 26 Event Speaker: Africa Inspire Connect -Keynote Speaker on Climate Change in Africa at the Africa Connect 2021 Inaugural Event Cape Town, Western Cape Province
    SANRAL GHG for various pojects :Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the Rehabilitation of Structures on National Route 14 Section 5 to 7 between Upington to Kuruman, Northern Cape Province, the widening of structures on National Route 10 Section 11 between Groblershoop and Upington, Northern Cape Province, the widening of structures over the Orange River on National Route 12 Section 9 near Hopetown, Northern Cape Province
    Thebe Health Risk Management – Annual Carbon Footprint Analysis for Thebe Health Risk Management for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018.
    Presented various Climate Change Talks to Construction (eg: South African National Roads Agency SANRAL) and Engineering Firms (Iliso) - SANRAL- Measuring Carbon Footprint and Reporting- Why, How and What lies ahead?
    Lecture for the past 5 years at the University of the Free State Business School on Environmental Megatrends with specific focus on Climate Change
    IAIAsa : National Conference 2013 Event Carbon Footprint whilst being Branch Chair of IAIAsa Free State. -300 delegates attended.
    International Audit / Carbon Verification for the Japan, Ministry of Environment on Carletonville Mine Energy Efficiency project – South Africa •JCM Pilot Verification Audit for LRQA (Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited, Yokohama, Japan, Carletonville, South Africa

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  • Andrew Gilder (Director of Climate Legal)

    Andrew Gilder

    Director of Climate Legal

    Andrew Gilder is the leading South African private sector lawyer for climate change in carbon markets with nearly 2 decades of experience specialising in climate change (mitigation and adaptation), climate and finance development, carbon markets, carbon tax, environmental and energy law policy and governance.

    In relation to his work on climate change he is deeply involved with consideration of air-quality legal issues in South Africa and evolving domestic legal regime for power generation . Andrew has considerable expertise in all areas of environmental legal practice and his practical experience extends to advising on authorisations required for the implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation projects and providing process advice for obtaining and managing the set of authorisation required for operational projects, including numerous waste energy projects. He is responsible, with his Climate Legal co-director Olivia Rumble, for drafting Sputh Africa's Climate Change Act (No. 22 of 2024).

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  • Shannon Murray (Climate Advisor at Promethium Carbon (Pty) Ltd)

    Shannon Murray

    Climate Advisor at Promethium Carbon (Pty) Ltd

    Shannon Murray is a climate change advisor who commenced her employment with Promethium Carbon in 2021. She completed her BA Degree in Sign Language, as well as her LLB degree through the University of the Witwatersrand. Furthermore, Shannon obtained course certificates through the Wits Mandela Institute in Energy Law, Environmental and Sustainable Development Law, Land and Water Law and International Environmental Law. Shannon was admitted as an attorney in November 2019 and practised as such for a small commercial litigation firm until September 2021. In the time that Shannon has been employed with Promethium Carbon, she has done extensive research in relation to the climate change field and has formed part of various teams within the company. She has gained experience in:
    The legal aspects of carbon credit purchase agreements;
    developing a socio-economic development project list, with climate change project funding benefits, for a global mining company;
    developing a climate change target for a listed pharmaceutical company;
    performing an eligibility assessment for a carbon credit project, including the legal aspects of the carbon credit transaction

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Non-Member Professionals

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Standard Price R 1,275