Event Details


Western Cape Biodiversity in Action | Planning, Protection, & the Power of Seasonal Survey

10h00 -13h00

4 March 2025

The Western Cape Government and CapeNature are taking steps to protect the province's rich biodiversity and critical ecological infrastructure by launching two strategies to boost environmental resilience.

These strategies will support the "Build Back Better" approach by focusing on protecting and restoring important natural areas, making them stronger and more resilient. While we can't rebuild ecosystems like we do buildings, we can support them, so that they recover more effectively from damage and adapt to environmental changes.

Healthy ecosystems, such as wetlands, forests, and rivers, help reduce the impact of natural disasters like floods, fires, and droughts. By including nature in how we design and build infrastructure, we can create a safer and more sustainable future.

The first strategy, the 2023 Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WCBSP), identifies priority areas for conservation and sustainable land use and serves as a blueprint for prioritising the province's most valuable ecosystems. It will form the bedrock for sustainable development in the province.

The second strategy, the Western Cape Protected Areas Expansion Strategy (WCPAES) details an approach to expanding protected areas, ensuring that nature and people can thrive together.

The 2023 WCBSP identifies and prioritises important areas for conservation, integrating environmental protection with responsible land-use planning. The WCPAES takes this further by mapping out important areas for expansion of the protected area network to secure key ecological infrastructure, strengthen climate resilience, and support sustainable development. The 2023 WCBSP is the first provincial spatial plan in accordance with the Western Cape Biodiversity Act (Act 6 of 2021).

The economy and the environment are inextricably linked together, and all future planning must be implemented with this in mind. Environmental protection and expansion of the conservation estate remains a critical priority for the Western Cape Government.

Western Cape MECof Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Anton Bredell emphasised the link between biodiversity conservation and communities.

"Our province's economy is deeply tied to nature. agriculture, tourism, and rural livelihoods depend on the long-term health of our ecosystems. Investing in conservation means investing in economic stability, food security, and sustainable job creation. Through providing upfront considerations for spatial planning, we provide key insights to existing and potential investors. Creating a vibrant economy and the jobs created through this remains our focus. Investors can begin their planning processes with the environmental sector considerations already on the table."

CapeNature CEO Dr Ashley Naidoo said conservation was not just about protecting species but also bolstering the long-term sustainability of the Western Cape.

"A thriving conservation sector drives job creation through the provision of stable ecosystem services like water security for our industrial sectors. Healthy biodiversity and ecosystems also remain the most cost-effective way to improve society's resilience to extreme weather and climate change impacts."

The WCPAES has been published for public comment, giving stakeholders an opportunity to shape the future of conservation in the Western Cape. CapeNature invites all interested parties to review and comment on the Draft WCPAES, by visiting https://www.capenature.co.za/western-cape-protected-areas-expansion-strategy.

Written comments on the Draft Strategy must be submitted within 60 days from the date of publication of this Notice in the Provincial Gazette, which was 31 January 2025.


10:00 - 10:20
Opening & Welcoming
Opening & Introductions
10:20 - 10:55
Draft Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan 2025
10:55 - 11:15
Draft Cape Town Biodiversity Spatial Plan 2025: CCT
11:15 - 11:35
Draft Western Cape Expansion Strategy: Cape Nature
11:35 - 11:55
Correct Season to survey all the different Biomes of the Western Cape Province: Biodiversity Africa
11:55 - 12:35
Q&A: Marรฉlie Botha
12:35 - 12:45


  • Nicole Dealtry (Senior Botanical Specialist at Biodiversity Africa)

    Nicole Dealtry

    Senior Botanical Specialist at Biodiversity Africa

    Nicole is a Senior Botanical Specialist with 6 years' experience. She obtained her BSc Honours in Botany (Environmental Management) from Nelson Mandela University (NMU) in December 2018 and holds a BSc Degree in Environmental Management (Cum Laude) from NMU. Nicole is a professional member of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals (SACNASP) (Pri. Sci. Nat. Botany Reg No. 130289), the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIAsa) (Membership No. 6176), and the South African Association of Botanists.

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  • Buntu Magobiyana (Mainstream Specialist: Biodiversity Intelligence at Cape Nature)

    Buntu Magobiyana

    Mainstream Specialist: Biodiversity Intelligence at Cape Nature

    Buntu Magobiyana has over 15 years of experience in stakeholder engagement, capacity building and environmental awareness in the conservation sector. He completed his Honours Degree in Zoology at the Nelson Metropolitan University in 2006. He is currently the Mainstreaming Specialist in CapeNature since September 2024 focusing on ensuring that biodiversity conservation knowledge and planning systems are integrated into landscape and protected area management as well as strengthening intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms, maximising the potential of strategic partnership projects, and supporting efficient uptake of conservation intelligence outputs within and external to CapeNature.

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  • Charmaine Oxtoby (Biophysical Specialist at City of Cape Town)

    Charmaine Oxtoby

    Biophysical Specialist at City of Cape Town

    Dr Charmaine Oxtoby is the Biophysical Specialist in the City of Cape Town’s Biodiversity Management Branch.

    Her role mostly involves:

    · Policy and advocacy relating to the BioNet (Cape Town’s biodiversity spatial plan),

    · Mainstreaming biodiversity and the BioNet in the City’s Integrated Development Plan and Spatial Development Frameworks,

    · participation in the national biodiversity planning community of practice,

    · Commenting on EIAs to recommend improved outcomes to avoid inappropriate loss or degradation of remnant vegetation, and to promote safety and wellbeing,

    · Secretary of the City’s Ecological Management Committee.

    She has been in this position since February 2019, having joined the Biodiversity Management Branch in November 2016.

    Before that, she was BirdLife South Africa’s Regional Conservation Manager for Mpumalanga and Free State.

    She has also lectured various courses in biological sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, and at the University of Cape Town.

    She graduated with a PhD in Zoology from UCT and MSc in Zoology from UKZN, Pietermaritzburg. Her postgraduate research was field-based ecological studies in Protected Area management in the KZN Drakensberg and Table Mountain National Park, focusing on invertebrate conservation and invasion ecology. She has published six scientific papers, and two children’s books on invertebrate identification.

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  • Anita Wheeler (Capenature)

    Anita Wheeler


    Anita Wheeler has been with CapeNature for 27 years, and over the years occupied various positions, of which Biodiversity Stewardship was for more than 10 years. She obtained her Masters’ Degree in Botany at Rhodes University in 2014, during which she focussed on the factors that influences sustainable ecological ostrich farming in the Klein Karoo. Anita is currently appointed as the Conservation Stewardship Specialist for Protected Area Expansion and Stewardship in the Western Cape and mainly focusses on providing strategic leadership and operational guidance to CapeNature’s Stewardship Programme, Protected Area Expansion Strategy and Landscape Conservation Initiatives, including biodiversity corridors, World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves.

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