Amanda is currently the Director: Legal Support NEMA in the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa. She was appointed to this position in 2011. She commenced her career in 1992 in the Department of Welfare, and then moved to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in 1997, now known as the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment. She has worked in various positions in this Department since 1997 covering policy development, legal support, and advisory aspects. Amanda’s work mostly relates to legal issues focusing on integrated environmental management, the bulk of which was EIA / IA related, but which has recently transitioned towards finding alternative responsible mechanisms to ensure environmental management, while relaxing strict command and control regimes.
Her responsibilities include: (1) Drafting and legal vetting of legislation including subordinate legislation such as regulations, norms and standards and a variety of legal Notices; (2) Drafting of environmental management instruments supporting environmental management; (3) Providing legal advice and support to legal instruments both to internal and external stakeholders; and (4) Ensuring close liaison with provincial environmental departments and the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy who are implementers of national environmental legislation. Amanda has been involved in various national legal reform processes, including the development of new laws and amendments to facilitate alternative methods to impact assessment. She has been registered with EAPASA since 2021.