Event Details

The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) commences on 1 July 2021. The contents of this Act affect everyone working with personal information which includes the storing, presenting and processing of personal information and even the editing and transferring of documents from one device to another.


10:00 - 10:05
10:05 - 10:20
Introduction to POPIA
10:20 - 10:40
Ideas & Solutions for Environmental Consultants to facilitate compliance
10:40 - 11:00
A competent authority perspective on how POPI relates to the NEMA EIA requirements: Expectations of EAP's
11:00 - 11:20
Insights for practice, Wrapping up and overall observations as the Act goes live on 1 July 2021
11:20 - 11:50
Questions & Answers
11:50 - 12:00


  • Maushami Chetty (CEO of Aarya Legal)

    Maushami Chetty

    CEO of Aarya Legal

    Maushami is a trained attorney with a masters in human rights. She started her own law firm in 2013 and legal consultancy in 2017 that focused on making legal services accessible to small and medium businesses. Her focuses are on plain language, fixed fee services and education about the law as a tool for growth. She is interested in the fields of new law and legal tech.
    She is passionate about providing training to entrepreneurs through accelerator and incubator systems in order to make law understandable and accessible.
    Maushami also pioneered a program called Board Ready Women. It created a pipeline of women with expertise and placed them on SME client boards as experiential leadership. She consults on gender and racial transformation.

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  • Ntsizi November (Deputy Director of DFFE Directorate: Corporate Legal Support)

    Ntsizi November

    Deputy Director of DFFE Directorate: Corporate Legal Support

    Ntsizi November is currently employed by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) in its Directorate: Corporate Legal Support. His responsibilities include provision of general corporate legal support, legal opinions, vetting of contracts and facilitation of compliance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Promotion of Administrative Justice Act and Protection of Personal Information Act. In addition to work experience acquired in the environment sector, Ntsizi November work experience include the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and implementation of the South African National Heritage Resources Act. His academic background includes Bachelors of Laws, Masters in Political Science, BA Honours in History, BA in Education as well as training provided by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) International Training Centre on “Negotiation Skills for the World of Work” and also by the University of Oslo’s Norwegian Centre for Human Rights on “Heritage and Rights”. Furthermore, Ntsizi November had been trained in POPI Act compliance by various institutions and had provided numerous legal training to DFFE employees and the South African Weather Services employees including to various national structures coordinated by the DFFE.

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  • Biasha Pillay (Legal/Quality Assurance Consultant at SiVEST)

    Biasha Pillay

    Legal/Quality Assurance Consultant at SiVEST

    Biasha Pillay is an admitted attorney with 10 years of experience. She has achieved a post certification in construction law and quality assurance; and has been employed at SiVEST SA Pty Ltd for a period of 5 years in the Management Systems team as a legal and quality consultant. One of the tasks of the Management Systems team has been to ensure Legal compliance, and therefore we have been rolling out the implementation of POPI across the company. SiVEST is a multidisciplinary company with engineering and project management divisions, as well as management consulting and environmental consulting.

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  • Peter Kantor (Advocate of the High Court of South Africa)

    Peter Kantor

    Advocate of the High Court of South Africa

    Peter has 25 years’ experience in environmental law and practices as an advocate of the High Court of SA in Cape Town specialising in Environment, labour and constitutional law. He was previously a partner in a firm of attorneys in Cape Town and is currently chairman of the Environmental Law Association and a trustee of the Cape Town Heritage Trust.

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