Event Details

The IAIAsa Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in terms of Article VII of the Constitution.

7.1 There shall be an AGM of the members of IAIAsa. The NEC shall determine the date for such meeting and this date should be set with the aim of maximising attendance of the members. Members shall be given at least thirty days written notice (through email or otherwise) of the date, venue and time of such AGM.

7.2. The agenda for the AGM shall be circulated at least seven days prior to the AGM.

A Copy of the Agenda is available in the Event Documents Folder. Further documents will be made available in the Events Documents Folder prior to the AGM.


IAIAsa 2021 AGM AGENDA.pdfdownload
Draft Budget 2021-22 printed.pdfdownload
Draft 2021 AFS 08022021.pdfdownload
IAIAsa AGM minutes - 2020 Final 04082021.pdfdownload


IAIAsa Members

This event is the IAIAsa Annual General Meeting (AGM). If you would like to attend and are a member in good standing please select this ticket.

Member Price Complimentary