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IAIAsa Mpumalanga Branch
Planning and Biodiversity considerations for Renewable Energy Projects in MPU
The Mpumalanga Tourism & Parks Agency (MTPA) comments on the impact of development projects on biodiversity in Mpumalanga. The MTPA is experiencing a recent influx of renewable energy applications, with 24 new applications since January 2022. The MTPA assesses the sensitivity of development applications against the Mpumalanga Biodiversity Sector Plan (MBSP), however wind farms pose a new challenge. Bird and bat species are most at risk of collisions with wind turbines. Wind farms will result in the continuous loss of individual birds due to collisions, which may be reduced with mitigation, but sensitivity of wind farms need to be assessed in terms of meta-population dynamics, with the need for avoiding wind farms in "source" areas, while favouring their location in "sink" areas. Besides the MBSP, local municipalities also have spatial planning tools that need to be considered in renewable applications, such as municipal bylaws, Spatial Development Frameworks and Land Use Schemes.